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How do I register a Company or Trust Account with IBX?
How do I register a Company or Trust Account with IBX?
Updated over a week ago

Before proceeding to verify your account, kindly prepare the scans / images of the following in the image formats JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, or PDF (max. 5MB) on the device you will be registering from:

  1. A scan of one of the following personal identification documents:
    – Passport – page where your image is shown in the document
    – Drivers license – front and back of document
    – National ID – front and back of document

  2. A selfie photo holding the selected personal identification document

    Note: In the photo, the details on the identification document has to be clear and legible. Both face and document should not be blocked.

  3. A scan of one of the following proof of address
    – Utility bill
    – Bank statement

    Note: The proof of address should state your name and address, and statement date is not older than 3 months.

  4. For companies, a scan of the following Company documents (the document must show the applicant’s name and address):
    – Certificate of Incorporation (Certified True Copy)
    – Certificate of Incumbency (if applicable)
    – Company Resolution / Point of Authority
    – Document of all the Director(s)/Officer(s) Identification Document

    For trusts, a scan of the following Trust documents (the document must show the applicant’s name and address):
    – Trust Certificate/Agreement (Certified True Copy)
    – Proof of address (bank statement or utility bill with Trust name and address, that are not older than 3 months)
    – Identification document of all the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO), Trustee or Persons authorised to act in your Trust

Step 1
Go to our registration page.

Step 2
Fill in the details to register an account:

  • Broker code (if applicable)

  • Email

You will also be required to create a password following these criteria:

  • At least 6 characters

  • lower case characters

  • UPPER case characters

  • Numbers

  • Special characters, i.e. ? ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + – = [ ] { } < >

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Step 3
You will be prompted to check the email.

If the details are correct, you may tick the checkbox and click on “Confirm and Proceed”.

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Step 4
Select “Company/Trust”.

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Step 5: Personal details
Key in the details required.
The date of birth should follow the following format: Day/Month/Year.

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You will also need to provide scans or images of your passport/drivers license/national ID, and a selfie with the corresponding identification document. Only the following image formats are supported: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, or PDF (max. 5MB).

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Step 6: Contact details
Key in your mobile number, address and attach the proof of address (utility bills or bank statements). Only the following image formats are supported: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, or PDF (max. 5MB).

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Kindly ensure that the proof of address matches the address you have keyed in.

Then, press "Next" and confirm the details.

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Step 7: Second Person Details (if applicable only)

If there is a second person authorized to manage the Company/Trust Account, select the checkbox to reveal the personal details fields. Key in the details required.

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You will also need to provide scans or images of the second person's passport/drivers license/national ID, and a selfie with the corresponding identification document. Only the following image formats are supported: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, or PDF (max. 5MB).

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Step 8: Company/Trust Details

Fill in the company/trust details.

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For companies, you will need to upload the following documents (the document must show the applicant’s name and address):

  • Certificate of Incorporation (Certified True Copy)

  • Certificate of Incumbency (if applicable)

  • Company Resolution / Point of Authority

  • Document of all the Director(s)/Officer(s) Identification Document

For trusts, you will need to upload the following documents (the document must show the applicant’s name and address):

  • Trust Certificate/Agreement (Certified True Copy)

  • Proof of address (bank statement or utility bill with Trust name and address, that are not older than 3 months)

  • Identification document of all the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO), Trustee or Persons authorised to act in your Trust

Kindly ensure that the proof of address matches the address you have keyed in.

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Then, press "Next" and confirm the details.

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Step 9: Declarations
Answer the declarations truthfully. Then, read the Terms & Conditions. Once you have read the documents, tick the checkbox and click on “Submit”.

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Step 10: Verify your email address

An email verification link will be sent to the email you had registered your account with. Click on it to verify your email address.

You will receive an email verification link via the email you had registered your account with. Click on it to verify your email address.

Note: If you do not find it in your Inbox, check your Junk/Spam folder.

Tip: Mark emails from IBX as safe emails to make sure you do not miss updates or notifications from us.

Congratulations, your profile verification is completed!
Your provided information will be reviewed for completeness and eligibility. This process usually takes 2 working days. We will notify you if we are missing any details.

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